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The Blue Sapphire is the strongest and the fastest acting gemstones of other astrological gemstones. The best part of Neelam stone / Blue Sapphire ring for several individuals, it shows effects rapidly and the wearer can gain in wealth, resolution to a problem, windfall gain and so many other benefits which we are going to discuss in this article. As per Vedic Astrology, Blue Sa p phire is the gemstone of Saturn that is a karmic planet. Meanwhile, Saturn periods can make or destroy a person’s life. Hence, a Sade Saturn cycle can be a defining phase of an individual’s life, if it is suitable for the wearer as per their astrological needs. However, Neelam stone ring recommendation should be made with caution and must ensure that the Blue Sapphire Ring is as per astrological needs. Most importantly, it should be free from any flaws. So before wearing a Neelam stone ring , be clear about it. Because, has flaws that can lead...
Ruby gemstone is represented by planet Sun. Those who have well placed Sun in their horoscope can wear the gemstone Ruby. Ruby is the gemstone of love. As per traditional astrology — ruby generates liveliness and induces spark in human nature. It casts away gloom and brings in liveliness of character. It is believed that gemstone Ruby is effective in safeguarding a person from evil spirits. The gemstone enhances financial stability and improves one’s recognition in the society. The person who wears t h e Gemstone Ruby is believed to be blessed by a sun. According to astrological principles it is believed that ruby fades or changes its color when in-auspiciousness afflicts its native but it gradually gains its color after the bad phase. Ruby brings benefits from government or people of high ranks. Wearing the gemstone ruby brings prosperity and improves health. The Astrology (scientific ...
Hessonite Gomed is a deep brown or honey colored, precious gemstone from the grossular Garnet minera l family. Gomedh Stone is worn to overcome negative effects of Rahu as well as to gain power, wealth and success in public careers, jobs and businesses. Best Quality Gomed Gemstone Comes From Ceylon Srilanka and Africa. Best Quality gomedh comes from Srilanka Ceylon. The Gomed (Hessonite Garnet) brings peace and happiness in life. By wearing it you could be able to neglect all the bad and negative impacts of the Rahu and your enemy’s bad vision upon you. The Gomed (Hessonite Garnet) stone is very beneficial for people pursuing public speaking as its wearer influence over large crowd. The Gomed (Hessonite Garnet) gemstone supports the mental growth as the wearer of this stone will be erudite, obedient, intelligent and full of spirit. The garnet or Gomed ( Hessonite Garnet )...
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