What are The Benefits of White Sapphire Gemstone ?


  White Sapphire is a highly transparent, colorless, precious gemstone of the Corundum mineral family. Vedic astrology recommends this gemstone as an astrological substitute of the diamond. It is worn to gain success in creative career, luxurious lifestyle, marital bliss and good physical health.Its also Known as Safed Pukhraj In Indian Vedic Astrology.

Ruled by Planet Venus, the Astrological benefits of White Sapphire are profound. If the wearer of White Sapphire is open to making the corrections needed to reap the benefits, the power of the gemstone supports with full force. Worn as White Sapphire (Safed Pukhraj stone) jewelry, e.g. as Rings, Pendants, Bracelets, the wearer gains richly from the White Sapphire healing properties at different levels.

  • White Pukhraj benefits the wearer by offering spiritual awareness, ability to access connection with the Divine realm, enhances intuitive powers and psychic abilities.



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